Saturday 20 March 2010

Song and dance...

Have somehow ended up watching Glee on a Monday evening recently. We've decided that it's basically High School Musical for adults; or maybe not adults but the post-pubescent anyway. Which isn't to say that it's not entertaining in a slightly odd way. What it does illustrate quite well is the value system that dominates the media and the generation a little bit younger than me....

There are some very positive features to this; not least it's commitment to being inclusive of all, non-discriminatory etc. The only downside to that (and this is hardly a new insight) seems to be the inability or lack of desire to ever make a value judgement about certain lifestyle choices, particularly in the area of sexual ethics. But this isn't a whinge. It seems to me that's just the world as it is now, and highlights one of the challenges to Christians who are living a different way.

All that being said, it's fascinating that some of the basic themes explored in Glee are all the things I remember writing about in 'O' Level (yes, that dates me) English essays about Shakespeare. In particular the whole thing of appearance and reality. "Nothing new under the sun", as someone once said.

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