Thursday 13 January 2011

How to read the Bible for all it's worth....?

I came across this quote from C.H. Spurgeon, one of the figures from Church history I can't help but admire. It certainly challenges the way I read the Bible:

He [Christ] leans over me, he puts his finger along the lines, I can see his pierced hand: I will read it as in his presence. I will read it, knowing that he is the substance of it, - that he is the proof of this book as well as the writer of it; the sum of this Scripture as well as the author of it.....You will get at the soul of Scripture when you can keep Jesus with you while you are reading.

1 comment:

  1. I love this thought Mark thank you for sharing it, What a mighty man of God Spurgeon was, he is someone i admire too. It will give me another dimension when i sit down to read God's Word,Thank you.
