Tuesday 4 January 2011

Start at the Beginning

Well, here's the first post connected to our Bible reading programme...if you're following it, you'll know that we've started with the early chapters of Genesis. So often these passages become footballs of controversy, kicked around by Christians who seem to have lost sight of the fact that they are playing for the same side, and that most of the goals that they celebrate scoring are in fact in their own net. It seems to me that these opening sections of the whole Bible are hugely significant, not so much for the insights they do or don't give into how we got here, but for what they tell us about God, and why He put us here; and why things are the mess they sometimes seem to be.

That's why the focus in Sunday's message (you can listen to it here if you missed it) was on what God wants to say to us at the start of 2011, rather than on a prolonged discussion of creation and evolution. If all Scripture is God-breathed and "useful...for training in righteousness", then we need to be trained by these verses, not simply informed by them. And I pray that will be true for all the rest of the portions of Scripture we look at too.

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